Thursday, June 26, 2008


my exams ended yesterday so i get today, tml and monday off.
ytd i was watching coach carter at home, its a movie about a basketball coach who accepts to coach for this school of delinquents where the players dont respect anyone and dont give a hoot about their lives. its amazingly inspiring, and the best part, its based on a true story, so catch it if u can!

there was one part in the movie when the coach locks up the gym(where they play basketball) and cancels all trainings and games when the team was on a 16 win streak, all because the students were skipping class and doing horribly academically, then there was all this big fuss across the neighbourhood and he eventually got sacked by the board of the school, so they got the locks to the gym broken

then when coach carter went to see the gym for the last time, he saw all the basketball players with their desks in the basketball court, studying, and one guy said "they can open up the gym, but they cant force us to play"

then another guy stood up and said

our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us

your playing small does not serve the world

there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you

we were all meant to shine as children

its not just as in some of us but as in everyone

and as we let our own light shine

we unconsciously give others permission to do the same

as we are liberated from our own fear

our presence automatically liberates others.

it is actually a quote from nelson mandela when he was giving a speech once, and it has since become a very famous quote, and i was just thinking about it, aint it amazing how sometimes we just want to slack and chill out and ppl say we're good enough to do this and that and we're like "nah, we aint good enough, this is meant for those overachievers etc etc"

how often is it that we short change ourselves by deluding ourselves in accepting that "not good" IS good enough for us? "we're not gonna do well anyway, so might as well skip the study" how often is it we joke about this statement, i'm guilty of saying that at least a thousand times by now, but do we realise that this joke we make, is subsciously affecting our life attitude gradually. unnoticeably?

for the non believers, its a matter of you deserving more for urself, u aint gonna wanna turn back and regret that u screwed up cos u were Okay with what was NOT okay.

and for the christians, God deserves more from US dont you think? by shining, we are glorifying God in all that we do, by striving, we are magnifying him in all that we feel. think about it.