yesterday was my h2 math paper. it was the 2nd worst math paper i had ever done in my life. first being sec 4 amath mid years. lol. MOVING on..... after that i went to watch HOUSE BUNNY with friends. it is the MOST chic flickalicious chic flick u will EVER find. i'm a chic flick lover and even i found it OVER chic flickalicious. so yeah, unless ur being treated to it, its no no! lol
but then again, it was pretty pleasant, and it was fun too, so if ur rich and u just wanna laugh with friends, go ahead. btw, the jokes are sick jokes so unless ur name is like lejon etc, u prolly wouldnt understand it anyway. :D love you lj.
okay now im bored. if ur bored and ur free, well i was about to say send me a msg but i realised that wld sound ultimately desperate. so no do NOT send me a msg. just....... hmmm figure out a way to UN-bore urself! i shall cook. BYE.