Friday, May 23, 2008

okay 4E ppl these are the details.

For acjc ppl, please give $80 to either
NAT LEE(please contact any of us to give us the money asap)

For non acjc ppl who live in dover, give to
NAT LEE (contact him urself)

For JJ people please give to

Nat will be away from the 2nd to 16th of june
I will be away from the 26th may to the 2nd of june

so dont contact us when we are away, ty.

i'll be in acjc during the first week of june, so please contact me to arrange an appointment if you want to give me the money.

PLEASE REMEMBER IF YOU WANT TO GO FOR FOUNDERS DAY I NEED TO BOOK something like NOW, so hurry stop shaking ur hairy(non hairy) legs and give me the money! LIKE NOW!