went out with alex yan jerome and the whole gang to play soccer at telok blangah. really great to meet up with them again. woke up at 8am, went to eat long john silvers breakfast with yam, still as tasty as ever. YUM. then went to telok blangah, play until kenna sun burn! shiok! i love those guys man, i really miss secondary school times when we cld just go play soccer after school and stuff, i kinda regret always going home to sleep, shld have spent more time with my frens and all! :D grr! 
my shoulder from the top view! lol look at the sun burn!
after playing, we ended around 2 plus minus, then went to watch IRON MAN at lido at orchard, its not bad a movie, but its not that fantastic either. the person playing tony start is so good la. lol all the sarcasm and stuff, darn funny stuffs. GREAT DAY.
today is also ganesh's birthday, happy birthday ganesh! our class gave him a table soccer table...lol... for his birthday, its actually meant for 3 to 4 year old kids, but it looks good anyway. hahahah