Monday, July 20, 2009

there's nothing my God cannot do.

today i learnt something new, not really learnt la. i was just sitting down and it came to my mind.
here it is......

God blesses those who walk with him!

omg!haha u must be thinking im retarded, any OTHER retard in the world already knows this right? but have you realised that when there is something major coming up, we tend to pray multiple multiple times because we are nervous, scared etc etc? like O levels. before the paper, im sure a christian prays on average 5 times before the paper starts. dear God please help me, help me help me help me help me... is that 5? okay anw, yeah! why?

can u imagine ur asking ur friend for help, and you KNOW that ur friend will help you, like confirm must chop because he's the loyal type, know what i mean? hint hint me me. lol kidding. but yes, imagine that, u keep asking him so many times, whats the msg u sending? ur telling him that ur afraid he will forget to help you rite? ur telling him you dont really trust him to accomplish the task perfectly rite?

why do we trust him so little? He's our God.

i will not be distracted. i will not lose focus. i dont know if this is called getting my priorities right. but i guess for now it is.