Monday, January 7, 2008


today was the first day of lectures, it was all introductory lectures and stuff, kinda boring a day, ac cafe food rips ppl of their money man, super killer, the canteen is okay but the cafe(at swimming pool) is super OMG. seriously, like wth man, 4cm by 4cm plate of spaghetti is 4.50! LOL ok im exaggerating, but its really kinda that bad! The rest of the day was okay, i went to sit for the KI diagnostic test, for fun la. its super retarded. these are the questions.

1. Space creatures kidnap and examine humans and cause them to have amnesia so they cant rmb what happened, so all who have amnesia tend to have been kidnapped by space creatures.

how convincing is this argument? 150 words

2. Actions are permissible depending on the circumstance etc etc, for example it is okay to eat one's comrade to fend off starvation after a plane crash and there is nothing esle one can do.
however some acts are always not permissible in all circumstances.

are there such acts? 500 words

something like that la im not sure the exact words, gotta finish both in an hour half, its damn retarded, im confirm out man, lol i left 30 mins early, too sian already. lol!