Tuesday, February 26, 2008

this is not an emo post. lol

this is a continuation of a series of posts i call "deep in thought". people always make mistakes, and christians are not exempted from this horrible characteristic, so i felt that it would be nice if i were just to say sorry to certain people i may have offended or even thought bad thoughts about em.

random names will just pop up, the frens that have had to tolerate all my nonsense these few years

my church kakis, bertrand, yam, lejon and others, thanks alot for always being there for me, yam, sorry for all the nonsense and crap u have to tolerate from me, you are really a great friend (:

bb guys, daniel, joel, derek and others, thanks for always tolerating my pride and arrogance and insensitivity throughout the years, thanks for still being my friend even though i sorely do not derserve such an honour.

random people that i may have judged, fernando, laura and company, etc. sorry if anything sarcastic i have said, or any joke i may have insensitively cracked have hurt you all. everything i've been doing has just been one big joke, so i'll say im sorry here.

sorry joyeo for all the nonsense u have to tolerate from me, and thanks alot for the honesty you treat me with, at least i know there are friends out there who are true and real (: thanks jerome, lol i dont need to say for what, if theres any human in this world i'd thank first, its you. thanks for ur existence. lol.

other frens from church and from school, thanks alot for everything.

some people were born to your best frens, frens that u will share ur life with, ur joy, ur sadness, ur anger and emotions, frens that wld be there for you. but some were just born to be ur acquaintances. they may have been very close to you at some points in time, one of your closest frens at certain times in ur life, but as times go on, the click just wears off and the string snaps.
you know hu i'm talking about, i really do appreciate you people.
some of you guys&girls really used to be my best and closest frens, but its pretty clear we'll go down different pathways and our interests and personalities just dont match. but i still appreciate the years of frenships we used to have when we would have heart to heart conversations and the times we laughed and joked together. thank you for everything.we'll all still be frens forever, but i cant see a path leading any deeper, but that doesnt matter! we're still brothers and sisters in Christ! :D
When a hint of sarcasm causes a strain, you know that this friendship isnt meant to go any deeper.