No more white font. (:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Okay this is the summary of the past week, its been cool, everything going just fine. my mood has just been amazing and i have no idea why! lol. :D
look at this chicken rice that samuel lee was eating. ridiculous! i know that chilli rocks, but to use it as if its gravy? lol gotta be kiddin me man.
OKAY this is an amazing story! ms baljeet was showing us how to mix the solutions and stuff during chem practical and she said in order for us to see the precipitate, we have to pour out the solution from the test tube, so she just randomly poured the solution into the sink, RANDOMLY, yes, without hesitation, without....without wadever! she just poured! and THIS was the shape the solution formed! OMG. AMAZING stuff! haha we were all laughing and saying that its a sign of things to come for her then she was like "it comes with experience from rejecting so many guys!" HAHAHAHAH so cool la, she's super funny man.
then on wednesday, we had this module thing, and we signed up for which module we wanted to go so my frens and i went for anger and conflict management, and it was suppppppper boring...): then halfway through i found almost half the people in the lecture theatre were sleeping and look at sher, ame and pan! LOL identical actions! hahah. okay im bracing myself for a barage of "why did u put up our unglam pictures!" complains. oh well! go click 5! lol.
No more white font. (:
No more white font. (: