Saturday, March 29, 2008

fun o rama

its been extremely long since i've last posted, i just havent been feeling that on about blogging the past week, everytime i come to my blog and want to post sth new, i suddenly dont feel like. but i'll do so today since today was FUN O RAMA!

today was quite fun overall, spent like mad, went around looking at food and games stalls and splurging like mad, i think our game stall was alrite leh! not bad ah i feel, lol. the food stall was super successful i think, the baked rice is really very very nice!

another thing i have not been doing is taking pictures, the past 1 week alone, i've taken less than 10 pictures, i just totally dont feel like it. lol. weird eh. but of course i've taken some pictures la, as little as it may be. lol.

mitchy and i blowing up the pools, everyone was talking about how we would take suUuuuuuper long to blow up the pools because there were 3 pools, but mitchy john and i combined to do it all in 10 mins. tsk. ALL the unneccessary FUSS!BIG cow being burnt and cooked, i got a shock when i reached sch and i saw it, pretty cool eh.Games comm people that were still left around 5pm to 6pm when we were clearing up the stall.TAJ! i went dinner with taj at holland v, we went swensens, it was damn fun la, gosh we were laughing NON stop! haha so fun! today was a great day overall! :)

btw, all the SA4 people reading this, thank you so much for helping to make this fun o rama a good one. :)