yam and bert came to my house at 1pm to help me carry the food that i was bringing, so we chilled for a while then we went dover mrt where we met victor and we all went to serene's house and just sat there and stoned till about 4 when everyone arrived.
there was :O alot of food, lol so much leftover, ownage man. and we were just sitting there and talking nonsense, doing nothing much but teasing each other and Bonding.............
after awhile they decided to play pictionary but samson bert yam and i just sat at the table and talked about basketball and all that. lol. bonding babe. then after awhile we went to join them at the sofa, ended up we also never play pictionary, we just got one more person to join in our conversation, chen xuan, and one went to play pictionary, samson. so the topic changed from basketball to soccer. LOL. owns.
i was damn high and i was talking alot of shit and nonsense. hahahahah okay thats it. if u havent seen my ken lee video, u better, now. NOW.