today was quite a confusing day for me in terms of emotion, i was half VERY bored, half VERY happy. its weird actually. went to clementi to meet the bb/fairfield/triplescience guys. then we went to kallang to play in the cage, the 50 bucks for like 2 hours kinda thing, yeah not bad la. quite fun. im half dead man, i have 200 bruises and cuts on my body and they all came from dereklam. hahahahhahah i totally love playing soccer with him. hahahah
lol after i took picture of him, he immediately scored. omg!
i dont really like the cage to be honest, grass and all that, quite slippery even tho its all dry, and the space is damn weird. 4v4 seems too spacious and 5v5 seems abit too crowded. its retarded la. anyway im half dead man. thank goodness tml i get to stay at hme almost the whole day. can rest. finally! then thursday we start again! lol.