Tuesday, March 4, 2008

today was quite a fun day, i was hanging out with diana's og today, cos i noe quite a number of people there, just random la. they are super super nice people. but of course, my og, darjee, are just as nice! lol :D
puny head puny brains! lol just kidding best fren!
Look at the two pictures below!!! so cute right! omg haha its so funny!

omg! look at joel's smile! his name is joel goh btw, haha so cool, so now i know TWO joel Gohs! hahaha look at his smile! can barely see his eyes!!!! looks like bertrand(limchuanzhi)!! hahahaha

i seriously need to get my studies back on track man. tsk.... i'll let God guide me. i really have no idea where im walking.

what did the people say when they saw Abraham bringing Izzac back when they knew that he had been commanded to sacrifice Izzac?

what would they say.what would i say?