okay i'm officially gonna join volleyball already, there are still alot of things on my heart that i'm not sure about and i dunno whether i will think back in the future and wonder if i've made a mistake, but through all this time i've prayed, i've decided to jump into the river and just check out how deep it goes.
i would love to be all cheery and bubbly here, but i really do feel tired, LOL, wow. so i havent been posting very often, but i do think that life is great, and things arent always going so great for me, but i still think life is great, God made life didnt he? of course its great.
lol my devotional today was about getting our life right with God before anything esle. i realised for the past one month at least, i've been praying about everything, praying for God to show me what to do, which cca to choose, what should i say, how should i grow, etc etc, but not once have i focused on how great our God ACTUALLY is.
when you focus on the foundation, everything esle falls into place.
anyway, suann you are totally thinking too much, lol, not talking to you as much as before doesnt mean we are no longer good frens, lol, and when you tell me ur problems and i laugh, it doesnt mean i'm laughing at you, it just means im optimistic and cheerful! YES! learn from the master........................LOL.
cheer up dude, all problems are a thing of the mind, once you learn that every problem is a stepping stone to help you grow, life becomes a game!:D
omg, tuesday volleyball training i ran 2.4 for the first time this year. YES, i AM unfit. omg. :O
oh wells, as least not as bad as chijie that gay. LOL KIDDING. :D