Today was quite an interesting day.hmmmm... woke up, went to church. today's sermon was about appreciating the life contrast and stuff like that. like the difference in our life when we became a christian, the difference between our life before and after that kinda stuff. it was like one of the most hard hitting sermons i've ever heart pastor richard give before, hahah! yam and i were like looking at each other then yam was like, "he's picking up darts and throwing at people!" then i'm like "NO! He's shooting people with a shotgun!" lol it was really really interesting. And you know what? i was affected by it! i mean like, ppl always talk about how we're unworthy and stuff and dun deserve God's grace and stuff but there was a part pastor richard said that struck me.
"people talk about God's amazing grace, very amazing meh? its free isnt it?"
so true eh? I mean, how many of us TRULY feel remorseful and awestruck by this amazing, glorious grace he's give us. I dont, thats for sure, im still immature, i say i wanna grow closer to God but very often the next moment im insensitive or sth. Well, i was really struck today by the message. And i went up for altar call, MY WHOLE BODY WAS SHAKING! omg man. my legs were totally falling apart, then pastor eric who was praying for me tightened his grip on my shoulders cos i think he felt me shaking! lol! cool man. God really rocks. really really rocks.
then we went for lunch, boring activity yes, super crowded and stuff. Then we went to amos house for party, lol we played winning eleven, lol not me at least, the others, then we went to amos room the com and watch soccer bloopers, a baby doing evil eye, some japanese rubbish show(laugh until stomach pain) and family guy. lol ridiculous stuff!
then we went home from there. actually not really home. yam lejon and i went to eat dinner at the queenstown mrt that coffee shop, btw amos house is a boon keng, so we went from church(queenstown) to boon keng, then from boon keng, to queenstown! LOL! not that i am against it, since i stay at queenstown anyway! hahahahah. so we had dinner. at 5.30! LOL then lejon had to go off. Then yam felt hungry and wanted to eat again, so i had nth to do anyway, so i just sit there and watch him eat, then we started talking about all the emo stuff LOL, so from 6 pm to 8pm, 2 lonely sad pathetic guys, sit dreamily staring into the beautiful starry night sky, talking about my eventful and exhilarating lives! What a way to end a beautiful sunday! So after that he went home(cck) and i went home.GUESS WHERE! hahahahaha. okay so thats the end of another beautiful day in the life of beau... oh i mean in the life of CALEB!! LOL! thank you to all my faithful readers who keep track of my life each day! hahahahahahah!
Its really fun talking to Dumb retarded-ED fuchsia sotongs! LOL!