Tuesday, December 25, 2007

merry christmas ho ho ho.

when a person commits a sin that drags his mood down after he comes to the realisation that he shldnt have done such a thing. how would he react? would he just get over it without a hint of guilt? or would his mood be utterly affected?

guilt is a negative feeling, God tells us to overcome guilt and lean on jesus' forgiveness. But realistically, how well can a human overcome guilt? Are you afraid of the tarnishing of ur reputation? or God's wrath? Or do u even bother? what am i afraid of?
i have never desired to fear. now i do.
I have always wondered how the leaders, pastors and stuff or maybe even ywav youth leaders or stuff like that, how they manage to seem like they have no problems, i read of my recent quiet time of how we often live for others to see, and how we mustnt have a hidden life, but when ur moody, u show it rite? then why do the leaders seem to be never sad?
the ability to brush aside disappointments is related to how close a person is to God. But when u tread the thin line between having a heck care attitude, and overcoming stumbles on ur journey to becoming a God fearing man/lady, how do you noe where u stand?

today is christmas day. merry christmas everyone! we talk about how we shldnt treat christmas in such a slipshod manner, that its not about presents and stuff, we sing the song that christmas is about his glory, more than just another story. But how many people actually think about how the novalty of christmas has been lost over the years? im the first to raise my hand to say im guilty of overlooking this dreadful trend. So this christmas, i pray that i will be truly immersed in the true meaning of christmas, of the birth of christ, that changed the world forever. If national day and other major events are so seriously regarded, then shldnt christmas top them all?

jesus is the shepherd, we are the sheep. Glory to God in the highest.

Its an irony that the person i was thinking about came to talk to me about it. thank you God.
i really dont understand adults.i really dont. What in the world is on his mind? seriously.ridiculous.