Saturday, July 26, 2008
training has been strenous as usual, getting harder than before, but its actually still quite relaxed compared to like the other xiong sports ccas. i was thinking yesterday, can u imagine if i hadnt joined a sports cca, omg man, i think i'll die la, my fitness level would be so pathetic! sure, i wld probably be doing better in my studies, but thats not everything, lol thank God i decided to join a sports cca.
To God be the glory.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
btw im blogging at 12.38 am, so whatever is in this post is in reference to BEFORE 12am, so when i say today, i mean BEFORE 12am, so when i say ytd i mean BEFORE BEFORE 12am.
okay ytd i talked to jerome on the phone till like 2. whoooooooo so fun, so i slept and i woke up at 10 half dead, and i left my hse at 12 to go library to return and pick up books and met yam for lunch. then we went to church at 1.30 to PRAY for PRAYER(splash) how cool is that.
yam serene and i had a very serious talk, meaningful maybe, but fruitful or not, it'll take time to see. but these talks are needed every now and then.there there.
went for ywav then, left at 4.30 lol bible study hadnt even started yet when i left. lol. i went home to change and then went to get dinner and i went to SINGAPORE ART MUSEUM for some greek tragedy play, gosh it was so good. its an RJ alumni production anyway. really good stuff. SO real. lol then i went to holland v to eat ice cream and fries and all that jazz at swensens. then i reached home at 12.30. gosh latest i've reached hme in a super super super super super super super long time. but it was REALLY a fun day. :D
church tml see ya! :D
Friday, July 18, 2008
i have butterflies in my stomach every second. i HAVE to talk to someone. lol.
happy happy happy
happy happy happy
my life piorities
Thursday, July 17, 2008
No more white font. (:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
its exciting the way life goes, espacially as Christians. God's plans somehow, just SOMEHOW always seem to go against what we want. some complication will pop up and u just have no idea what to do. what is right, what you want and whether the two even click. i dunno bout you, but isnt that all the more exciting? lol.
my life is so smooth now i feel like my car is gonna skid of the highway anytime soon. i really dont mind it being like this for awhile more, but it sure is boring. lol. im focused on my studies again. im so happy, i feel like the work im doing now, lessons and all that, im back to where im supposed to be. maybe theres that jc adaptation time period or sth that caused me to be so messed up this first semester. maybe its me not being used to staying back in school so late everything, being in a sports cca and so on. but im getting used to it, and its not bad, lol. its pretty fun.
best friend forever.
i dont want another best friend. i have it a bff ur looking for?cos if it is, im not sure i can do it.
Monday, July 14, 2008
he thought his heart wld never beat again. its been too long.
everything else is moving at just a fine pace. any faster and i'll probably just die. im sucha loser u noe that? one training, all it took was ONE training, for my legs to die, its been more than 3 days and im still dead, i can barely run, i CANT jump, the pain is mad. what did i do to become this weak? gosh. this is what happens when the bed is more interesting than the sneakers at the door.
i got this new song i composed. i was damn bored la okay. anyway i modified it, i did during econs tutorial.
everyday we go to school
we seem to love the loo
study study study study
eat eat eat! X2
everyday listen to teacher talk
time to change class we have to walk
study study study study
eat eat eat! X2
orient's food always got worms
void deck tables full of germs
complain complain complain complain
sleep sleep sleep! X2
every lecture many ppl pon
all go cafe eat udon
complain complain complain complain
sleep sleep sleep!X2
mass pe run like mad dog
go to class look like dead log
lucky not america, nobody have gun
Sunday, July 13, 2008
the next couple of weeks is gonna be super eventful, i can totally sense it. im so excited, my head is barely above the water now, and theres still more to come. talk about a boring life. well i did pray after my O levels for God to make me the busiest person ever in JC so i'll totally have a meaningful two years. im not exactly there yet, but i am NEAR to struggling since im so used to afternoon naps and lying on my bed staring at the ceiling for one hour a day in sec 4.
okay all the things happening in my life right now are unbloggable, so when they BECOME bloggable, they'll all spill. so bye for now! :D
Friday, July 11, 2008
recently, alot of things have caused me to start thinking about what exactly i've been doing with... just everything la, my life, my walk with God, and alot more. the main causes are mostly my studies and of course my cca. and something esle.
and just afew days ago, i was praying, asking God for answers. but of course, its just a phase, we cry and pray for answers, but we'll never get them, simply cos we're too blind to notice that they're right in front of us, that his ways are higher than ours, that he loves us and does every single thing for our good!
and then i read my devotional book and God just spoke really loudly to me. He said
people(like me) always cry and ask why we are born so incapable, lacking in this and that, but we just FAIL to see that we already have SO MANY blessings, uncountable, ridiculously numerous, yet we moan and groan, and we just FAIL to see that God is WAY WAY WAY WAY more mighty than failing terms or being lousy at a sport, we just FAIL to see that God came to work in EMPTY VESSELS, not fully loaded ships. the crappier you ARE, the MORE God can work in you. and the best thing, God's work in you is gonna be UNIMAGINABLY more amazing and spectacular than ANY amount of effort you can POSSIBLY put in. yes, ANY AMOUNT.
cos God is real.
cos he loves.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Andrea and i holding our cakes after PASSIONAC!
Saturday i went to fairfield funfair in the morning, saw quite a number of the old guys, really great to catch up. FAIRFIELD FOREVER! then went for REACH service at ywav, man it was a real great fun day!
then after ywav, my family went to crystal jade to celebrate my sis and my birthdays then we went to watch HANCOCK! SERIOUSLY SUPER NICE.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO ALL.
My sis is the sweetest ever, she bought like ALOT ALOT ALOT of donuts and arranged them into a cake and surprised me after ywav, it was mad and the worst thing was it was her bday too so i seriously didnt know where to hide my face cos it was like i was getting all the attention and she was like not noticed. i felt damn bad. my sister is really the best in the world man. youth sunday worship team!
on saturday night, after hancock, i reached home at 12.30 AM, omg, then i still needed to settle some stuff so i slept at 2, and had to wake up at 7.30 to go church cos pastor eric wanted rehearsal at 8. lol, my body was starting to crank up already from lack of rest. lol.
church WAS GREAT, so fun man, the worship was AMAZING, the speaker was SUPER good, everything just clicked into place. man, it was really a great day.
then after church the guys(zach lj yam bert etc etc) we all went to play bball at queenstown cc, and the weather was SUPER DUPER NICE. man seriously thank God la, there were thunder sounds when gab and i were walking there but we just trusted God and WALA!
And it was SERIOUSLY such a SUPER fun day of bball, super fun to play with those guys man. after that i left and went home to get a bath and get myself ready for ACJC choir concert at Esplanade, went to meet Andrea who was with some cf peeps and we had dinner and went for the concert!
must admit, acjc choir DOES have standard. good job!
Andrea and i!
i meet cuifen joy and xinghui!
my beloved sec 4 class captain! noisy as ever, smart? i think never! HAHAHAH just kidding! :D
i loved my last 3 days. the fun i've had. time to get back to reality!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
"im imperfect.... yet im loving it" lol what truth. its so exciting to know that ur not in control of whats gonna be happening next, that no matter HOW much u plan, no matter HOW much you dont want things to escape ur grasp, they still do, and things STILL mess up. lol. i love life.
paradigm shift. everybody needs that. me too.
Life is great. :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
God's grace.
yesterday night i was just sitting at my desk thinking about everything that has been happening and all that has passed.and i took out my journal that i started writting in sec 3, it has stuff that... lets just say its only meant for the eyes of God. and i was just looking through seeing how much God has really blessed me and changed my entire life, it was just amazing.
i was really worried about my results, i REALLY feared the worse, and this time i wasnt smokin, i really did fear. but i decided to just throw it all down and let God take over, after all, the stuff that i went through which i chronicled into my journal, every single one of those ordeals were worse than just doing badly for exams.
after that i was SUPER relax, yes relaxed till such a point i was starting to find it unbelievable, the peace that i experienced, man, its all about going to him, he doesnt take pleasure in seeing us suffer, he takes pleasure in giving us peace.
and today, i passed my chem, the joy i experienced was amazing, right smack in my face i see how God works in my life, that doesnt mean that for those who failed, God didnt work in their lives, God worked equally as much but with a different purpose and plan for each and every single one of us.
its like how a father gives freedom and space to a certain child because he knows he is disciplined enough to handle his life while he closely watches another child cos he knows that child needs guidiance to bloom. thats how God works, differently, with each and every single one of us.
i want to have a heart after God's own
it actually hurts. to see them react that way.