Wednesday, January 9, 2008

typical day

today was quite alrite, i went for the first lecture, economics, and i skipped the rest, cos i had no mood, lol today i didnt hang out with my og for the first time( dont get me wrong, i love my og!)
but one of the devotions say must consolidate old frenships so today i hung out with my fairfield frens. hahahahahah! hi ogl, if ur reading, see! i have valid reason! :)

so i skipped the rest and i was with my mates just joking and talking nonsense, walked from bleachers to cafe to bleachers to canteen for like wad 3 hours or sth? lol sth like that not sure. doing nothing, lol, no life man. so after that we went for house meeting, SVM, honestly its the name i like the most, it sounds hip and stuff. lol. so we went for the meeting. hmm nothing much to say about it. so then sch ended!

lol so it was around 2pm, i went to the bleachers and just sat with jubilee and did nothing, just stone and talk then lilin appeared, and we all stoned and talked. then lilin went off for Music Elective Programme with joysim when joysim appeared, so jubilee and i played chinese chess and nicol arrived and before we cld finish the game, nicol and i had to go and change to go for soccer tryouts. (jubilee wld have won the game anyway! lol)

so we went for the tryouts. quite a number of J1s, like around 20 i think, not sure maybe less, cldnt quite tell. So we ran 5 rounds which is like 2km. as warm up. okay im gonna show you a fitness scale i created.

1.inhuman fitness
2.ridiculous fitness
3.extraordinary fitness
4.seriously very very fit
5.seriously very fit
6.SLIGHTLY above avg fit
7.okay fit
8.average human being
9.slightly not fit
10.not fit
11.not fit FULLSTOP
12.omg! do you even walk?????

guess where i am at? i was thinking about it while i was running, i think im 13. thats like CMI(cannot make it). i was like wad?, 2km, i almost died! lol i hope jessicayip doesnt see this, damn no face. my calves were all cramping and stuff. oh my........seriously no life.then i wanna die la, jog so much during the tryouts. okay, honestly, in my mind, i felt that the training was seriously damn slack(i was imagining from an onlooker's point of view) it was so slack la! SERIOUSLY VERY SLACK! BUT GUESS WAD! i couldnt take it!!! LOL............

okay so, the coach split the J1s into 4 teams and they take turns to play against each other. The first match, i played centreback(defender) cos i was thinking, i dun have stamina(which is true lol!) so i cant run much, so i cant play midfield which i like to. Nor striker cos i scared i screw up. lol! so i played CB, i think i was okay, but still concede. sigh.... i was quite screw up once actually, the goal kick i kick straight to the opposing team's striker, haha dun need to tell u wad happen next. so i was like "man im some screw up"

so the 2nd match i told my fren to play defence, and i go play striker! yay! and i scored like 2 albeit it being somewhat tyco. lol u noe the ball goes ping pong ping pong here and there and u just smack it into the goal when it appears in front of you? lol im just joking. so i played alrite.

it was already 5pm by then, we started at 3. then the coach gathered all of us to talk to us, then he said all the J1s can go home, but he wanna see afew ppl, so he pointed to a few guys, less than 5, me included. then he asked the rest to go home. then he asked us if we can stay till like around 6 to train with the senior team, the J2s. lol i was like okay, even though i was half dead, cannot see tired rite, so gay, later the coach dun want me! lol. but it was cool la, although i trained like some nonsense, i think the coach dun like me cos quite a number of times the ball came my direction but abit too far then i jus watch it fly away. LOL. he must be thinking, this is some seriously heck care guy man. sigh! so after that i went home.

the second round of trials where everyone has to come back(so says the coach) so i'll just come back and see i guess.But im still deciding, i may end up just in CF(christian fellowship) alone and not join any other cca, dunno man, will see will see!